Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School will start Saturday at 10:00AM all kids are welcome to join from the ages of 3-9. We will be doing arts and crafts, playing games, and learning about Jesus! Please bring clothes that are okay to get dirty in as we will be having some extra messy fun! Parents, please drop the children off at the front desk so that we can check them in as they come and go. The saftey of your children is a priority here at the church. If you have any questions feel free to contact Pastor Tom @ (123) 555-0829.
Club 56 Kick Off
Starting Saturday at 6:00PM we will be starting the Kick Off to Club 56! Club 56 is a youth group for all 5th and 6th graders. You kids can be dropped off for an amazing evening- featuring basketball tournaments, Lazer Tag, Flag Football, Pie eating contests, and MUCH MORE! We are excited to announce that we will have the band Rising Son joining us and opening the event. Preorder your tickets now and eat all the pizza you want! It is going to be a blast so make sure you tell your friends!
Worship Concert
We can not wait to see what God is going to do in our church family during this highly anticipated night of worship! You are invited, your friends are invited, your family is invited and most importantly the Holy Spirit will be invited come and have his way with us during this time of fellowship, surrender, and pursuit of Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that when you show up to this event, God will move in a way that will change you forever. Please join us next week or contact us for questions.
Vacation Bible School will start Saturday at 10:00AM
Vacation Bible School will start Saturday at 10:00AM all kids are welcome to join from the ages of 3-9. We will be doing arts and crafts, playing games, and learning about Jesus! Please bring clothes that are okay to get dirty in as we will be having some extra messy fun! Parents, please drop the children off at the front desk so that we can check them in as they come and go. The saftey of your children is a priority here at the church. If you have any questions feel free to contact Pastor Tom @ (123) 555-0829.
Everyone has to get away sometimes.
Starting next month our Women's Ministry will be going on a retreat. They will be heading out to Camp Sol on Friday and will be staying for 2 nights and 3 days. We urge everyone to bring a sleeping bag, bug spray, and some warm clothes. We will supply all of the food and beverages needed for the trip. We are excited to have everyone come out and join us.
Become fishers of men.
In this case we will be fishers of fish! The Men's Ministry will be heading out on their annual fishing trip. Last year Bob caught the biggest fish that weighed in at nearly 11 lbs. 6 oz. If you can top Bobs record we will have a prize waiting for you! Make sure you bring your Bibles as we will have a small group out on the boat. We look forward to seeing everyone there. God calls us to fellowship, and we will be doing just that!