What began as a ministry out of the local Elk's lodge in 1912, grew into a sanctuary and parish hall on the corner of Beaver and Elm street in Flagstaff. Our campus is meant to help grow the church community through shared ministry, joyful fellowship, intentional spiritual curiosity, and authentic worship. 

Community Labrynth Garden


The Circular Labryrinth is a geometric pattern with a well-defined pathway that winds its way to the center.  Unlike a maze, which is intended to deceive, a labyrinth presents no choices or decisions. Labyrinths have a history that goes back more than 3,000 years to ancient Greece, and their structure encourages relaxation, healing  and  contemplationThe Labryrinth at Epiphany is landscaped with plants from the Holy Land and is open to everyone.  We invite you to join us and walk the path of peace.






The Church of the Epiphany has a columbarium that is a beautiful, peaceful final resting place. It is available for church members, non-members and community residents-all upon approval by the church.


Ashes (cremains) are inurned in a niche that includes a short service. A nameplate is mounted on the face of niche. Reserving a niche may be done by contacting the church office. A contract and one-time fee will be taken. Perpetual care of the columbarium is maintained by Epiphany.

Our Space and Facility Use


Episcopal Church of the Epiphany is pleased to invite your organization/group to share God’s House with us.  Our facility is primarily for church-related and church-initiated meetings and events.  However, community groups and events are invited and welcomed! Epiphany can accommodate events of up to 150 people in the sanctuary or the Parish Hall, as well as several smaller meeting rooms in the building.  There are certain guidelines, agreements and policies that apply to members and non-members' use of the facility. Our Parish Administrator can answer all your questions at admin@epiphanyaz.org or for additional information, you can review the agreements and policies below.