FINANCE & STEWARSHIP                      


        There is a ministry for everyone at Epiphany! No matter your age or where you come from,  there is a place for you.

                                                     Join us as we serve others in ministries of hope and renewal.   



Finance Committee


Epiphany’s Finance Committee is responsible for overseeing and managing the church's financial resources.  This includes creating budgets, reviewing financial reports, monitoring spending, and recommending strategies, to the Vestry, to ensure Epiphany’s financial health and stability; essentially acting as stewards of the church's money. 




Stewardship Committee


The Stewardship Committee at Epiphany is a ministry in which the team works with the leadership and the congregation to shape the personal responsibility of contributing important gifts of time, talent, and treasures. The committee is not just about funding the operating budget of Epiphany, but to ensure an inclusivity of each member an opportunity to contribute as faithful stewards thereby, growing in their Christian life.